

To have fun and feel like we make a positive difference every day.

What We Do

Create art that makes us happy, delights you and is shared with others. Most of it is created locally and features the beautiful island of Kaua’i.

What Does It Mean?

“Go see the wonders.”

“Go experience the fantastical.”

In the mid-nineteenth century, the circus traveled to communities far and wide. Seeing the circus elephant was about as remarkable a sight as one might see in a lifetime. “Go see the elephant” and its variants became a common phrase that meant having an experience well beyond the ordinary. An experience that was amazing. Mind-blowing, even. Perhaps too much so. “Seeing the elephant” was said by soldiers in the American Civil War to describe being overwhelmed by combat—an experience both thrilling and utterly terrifying.

I borrow “Go See The Elephant” in its most optimistic, curious, exploratory, creative, mind-expanding sense. As a hopeful call to action. As a reminder that we humans grow from new experiences. We need wonder in our lives. We need awe. And, if we look, we might be lucky to find a bit of it every day.